Posturi etichetate BGG.CON

Castigatorii premiilor Golden Geek 2012

Cei de la BoardGameGeek au anuntat sambata, 17.11.2012, in cadrul conventiei BGG.CON castigatorii premiilor Golden Geek 2012. Cateva din jocurile premiate au fost deja prezentate si la noi pe blog.

Lista completa a castigatorilor este (Categorie / Titlu):

2012 Game of the Year – Eclipse

2012 Best Abstract Game – Kingdom Builder

2012 Best Card Game – Android: Netrunner

2012 Best Wargame – Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan

2012 Best Children’s Game – King of Tokyo

2012 Best Party Game – King of Tokyo

2012 Best Print and Play Game – D-Day Dice: Free Trial Version

2012 Best Two Player Game – Android: Netrunner

2012 Best Strategy Game – Eclipse

2012 Best Thematic Game – Mage Knight: The Board Game

2012 Best Family Game – King of Tokyo

2012 Best Expansion – Alien Frontiers: Factions

2012 Best Art & Presentation – Takenoko

2012 Most Innovative – Risk Legacy...

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Poze BoardGameGeek.CON

In saptamana ce a trecut, intre 17 si 21 noiembrie 2010, in Dallas, mai mult de 1000 de jucatori s-au strans la BGG.CON 2010 pentru a se juca ultimele jocuri prezentate la Essen 2010 sau alte jocuri de societate preferate. BoardGameGeek.CON sau BGG.CON este un eveniment inceput si sustinut de cei de la BoardGameGeek.

Mai jos aveti cateva poze....

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