Acum ceva timp va anuntam nominalizarile pentru Board Game Golden Geek Awards 2010. Dupa indelungi deliberari, au fost anuntati si  castigatorii.

Game of the Year : Hansa Teutonica.

In categoria BoardGames avem:

Best 2-Player Game: Washington’s War.
Best Abstract Game: FITS.
Best Artwork & Presentation: War of the Ring Collector’s Edition.

Best Card Game: Innovation.
Best Children’s Game: Forbidden Island.
Best Expansion: Dominion: Prosperity.
Best Family Game: Tobago.
Best Innovative: Catacombs.
Best Party Game: Telestrations.
Best Print & Play: Zombie in my Pocket.
Best Strategy Game: Hansa Teutonica.
Best Thematic: War of the Ring Collector’s Edition.
Best Wargame: Washington’s War.

In categoria RPG avem:

Game of the Year: The Dresden Files Roleplaying Game.
Best Supplement: Cthulhu Invictus (2009 Edition).
Best Artwork/Presentation: The Dresden Files Roleplaying Game, Volume 1: Your Story.
Best Podcast: YSDC: Cthulhu Podcast.
Best Free Game: Lady Blackbird.

Multe jocuri, multe de care nu am auzit/citit si multe pe care nu cred ca voi ajunge vreodata sa le joc.

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